“Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand.” Seth Godin

There are hundreds, if not thousands of social posts and articles about how you need to market your business during a crisis which I agree with… however, if you run a business that is literally not able to trade right now, spending thousands of pounds of advertising to drive traffic to a website that really can’t convert and will just annoy clients then I say stop.

Do what you can do at this time. Use your time and cash wisely.

  • Update your social media presence, it’s looked tired for months, polish it up.
  • Sort out your website – weave the relevant keywords into the content, update the news section, doublecheck the links are still working
  • Finally get around to claiming your Google My Business listing and start working on the Google reviews.
  • Write a blog. Go on, you have something to say ….so say it.
  • Analyse where your new clients came from in the past six months, are you spending time and money in the right place?
  • If you are a fervent networker, write out your 60 seconds and add it as a social post.
  • Search audience is up in some areas – reading, gardening, exercise, cycling, games, some recruitment, loungewear – is this an opportunity for you?
  • Update your opening hours on Google maps – particularly if you are trading.
  • Don’t give away the farm – giving free advice is fine but be careful not to devalue your skills, we will come out of this and you’ll need to be able to revert to your usual charging model.
  • Be thoroughly decent to your existing clients; now is not the time to wave contracts in the air, now is the time to reassure them that you are a decent person to do business with. We will be judged on our behaviour when the war is won.

Stay authentic. Stay consistent. Stay on track.

Stay safe.