Using Social Media to Build Business Relationships – July’s Blog

Here are 5 simple ways to form relationships through the use of social media…

  1. Always try to direct the audience somewhere, typically to your website. Whether its spreading awareness of what you do or selling, you should try to use your social media voice to drive traffic elsewhere.
  2. Aim to stay on brand – you should aim for someone to be able to recognise that a post belongs to your business at a glance. This strengthens your brand identity and gives a professional impression.
  3. ‘Calls to action’ are your friend. Imperative verbs such as ‘buy now’ or ‘click this link’ massively boost engagement and click through rates on your posts, which should be the end goal.
  4. Scheduling your posts is great if you don’t want to log-on every day but want a daily presence, all platforms have this feature built in other than LinkedIn and G+. For Twitter you can use the ‘Twitter Ads’ section of the site to compose and schedule a tweet without paying to promote it!
  5. Make sure your profile picture and cover photo are high definition and correctly cropped – first impressions mean a huge deal.

So there you have it, 5 things I’ve learnt in my first year of using social media to form valuable business relationships; rather than just to let my friends know what I had for tea…

Don’t hesitate to drop me an email if you have any other questions about how you can make your time spent on social media more worthwhile –