New Beginnings Part 8 – Nadine

Many of you will know that we belong to an elite group of only 3% of UK agencies who are Google Premier Partners (June may have mentioned it a couple of times already?!). We are very proud of the results that we have been achieving on Google for our clients over the last 14 years, and live and breathe Google every single day. We love it.

We also love Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Pinterest and TikTok – but they’re for another day. Today I’d like to share some love for LinkedIn

On the surface, LinkedIn is a network for professionals, building and driving professional connections with 740 million members in more than 200 countries. For our b2b advertisers this represents an enormous pool of possibilities.

LinkedIn offers a wide range of advertising opportunities, from Sponsored Posts to Lead Gen Forms. Whilst most of our LinkedIn clients are already using Sponsored Posts to great effect, we have found Lead Gen Forms to be an extremely effective way to gain very high-quality leads for some of our clients’ businesses.

Of course, with Lead Gen Forms we can track Likes, Reactions and Comments, as with other advertising formats, which come with their own value and follow up potential for our clients. But the real value with Lead Gen Forms comes from being able to drive longer term, more meaningful business relationships whilst capturing valuable data on potential future clients.

For example, if you have a newsletter you’d like to drive sign-ups for, then a Lead Gen Form is your answer. You’ll not only drive additional sign-ups, but also gain high quality leads for your business, all whilst offering your prospects engaging and rewarding content.

Truly a win-win solution!